Wearing many hats can be daunting on a daily basis. Running a business, being a solopreneur, being a mom or wife, and the list can go on and on. We know that branding our businesses with social media is not an option-it is a must. So, what do we do as a one man show when trying to keep a social media campaign going. Below are ways to adopt to managing your social media strategy when you are a one man or woman show.
Choose 2-3 Platforms
As a solopreneur, you do not need to have an online presence on every platform. Being on every social media can drain your time and resources and yet not yield positive results.
Search for networks that have the target audience you are looking for. When you know your target audience and where you should create an awareness, you will know what platform is best for you. The five top sites are: Facebook-Business, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram and Pinterest. Pick 2 or 3. When you have chosen your platforms, you can begin your marketing plan in as little as 30 minutes 3 days a week.
Create a Plan/ Develop Your Vision
Determine the type of content you want to use in social media marketing. Your plan should be tailored according to the social network, your target audience, and social media goals. For example, if you are a dressmaker, you can post pictures of your recent creation on Pinterest or Instagram. Just make sure that the content is aligned with your brand. Develop a vision for your company and write out the plan.
Make a Schedule/Be Consistent
Now that you have primary and secondary channels, it is impossible to create contents and manage them properly. Posts and contents that add value to your brand need to be regularly made. This is where schedule comes into play. Make a time and schedule for posting and connecting. You may choose certain days of the week and certain times. But stick to your schedule and make it a priority and keep at it.
Set Your Goals/ Make them Happen
Goal setting is vital if you want to make a successful social media marketing strategy. If there are no goals set there is no efficient and dependable way to monitor your progress. First off, figure out the goals you want to realize in your business. Then streamline the goals that will support your business.
Ensure that your goal is SMART; specific, measurable, achievable, reliable and time-bound. This goes a long way to ensure that your marketing strategy is in line with your business objectives.
Be Active/ Engage with Your Audience
We all have busy schedules, but no matter how busy you are—make time to be active and engage online. When I say engage, I mean reply to comments, share, like, connect and tweet and retweet. Networking with your audience online is essential in keeping them around for long. You do not have to channel a huge amount of time in the engagement schedule- like I said—follow my 30 minute a day plan.
There you have it! Being a Solopreneur is not a burden after all with these social media management tips. Go right ahead and implement them and say “Yes to Success” as you brand your business.