10 Routines of Successful Business Owners.
1. Get Enough Sleep
In the United States, 40% of people get less than the recommended amount of sleep. Getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep does the body, mind and soul good. It helps your overall creativity also.
2. Get Up Early
There are many studies that show that the early bird gets the worm.
So, while it’s important to get enough sleep, this doesn’t mean you should set your alarm for noon. The most productive leaders understand the importance of getting out of bed early in the morning, and preparing for the day ahead.
3. Have quiet or meditation time in the mornings
It has been reported that the most successful business owners use meditation or some type of quiet time each day to improve your mind, body, and soul. Starting the day off with a bit of peace will set the tone for a great day.
4. Workout or Get In Exercise on a Regular Basis
Some people workout in the morning, others find time at lunch, and then there are those who do so in the evening. You may have slipped out of the habit of working out, you can get back into the habit of just putting some workout or walking time in your week.
5. Eat A Good Breakfast
Yes, what your mother told you really is true: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You don’t want to be one of the 31 million Americans who skip breakfast each day. This can take a toll on your body, while zapping your productivity during the morning hours.
6. Take Naps
This may sound like the best way to kill your productivity, but it can actually have the opposite effect. A short nap of 30 minutes can improve your performance, alertness, and mood. If you can work this into your daily schedule, it may transform your day for the better.
7. Don’t Waste Time/ Make the Most of the Hours in the Day
The most productive leaders don’t spend time on meaningless things. Plan your day and make the most of your time. Find ways to cut down on wasted time, and use your valuable time on important tasks.
8. Take Breaks
When you go, go, go, you’ll eventually hit a wall. There’s nothing wrong with taking breaks, even if this seems to slow down your progress.Science says that taking breaks can boost productivity. That should be enough for you to give it a try.
9. Treat Others Right
Successful business people practice fair business practices. They
treat others with respect, and they are willing to give and share
advice. They run their businesses in a professional manner while
providing great service.
10. Use A To Do List
Even though some people struggle to keep up with a to do list, it’s one of the better ways to boost productivity and stay on track. Make a “things to do” list each night before going to bed. Use that list the next day and see the impact it will have on your day. Make a list of the top 5 and get those done.