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Love Your Inbox Again: Email and Social Media- A Winning Combo


We are constantly bombarded with so much information. With so much information and so little time in each day, we have to decide what we are going to give our attentions to. When it comes to email, our phones are blowing up with emails around the clock. We scan and hit the button to send emails to the trash on a daily basis, but there are some emails that not only get our attention–they get our business.
4 Ways that Email Marketing Can Boost Your Business

Grow a healthy list. With email marketing, you know you have a good list because the people on your list invited you to add them to the list. So, your audience is an audience who wants to get emails from you.
Share good content. With a captive audience, you get to share good content with people who are looking for your information. You can share company updates, promotions, events and more to the people on your email list.
Promote brand awareness. Statistics show that just sending one email per month can increase your business. You can keep your current customers informed of what is going on with your business and you can potentially get new prospects to become customers.
Track results with email marketing. When you send emails through an email company, you can keep track of who opened your emails, how long they kept the emails open and if they shared the information with friends.

Email marketing does work. How many times have you gotten an email and you were prompted to buy or visit the merchant? I do it all of the time. Luby’s sends me emails with a special coupon to come in for dinner. Since receiving those emails, I have started going to Luby’s at least 2 nights out of the week to pick up dinner.

I was just going about my day and one of my favorite clothing stores sent me an email about 50% off on all sales. Because of that email, I adjusted my schedule that day to head to that store. I ended up buying 3 pieces of clothing. In both cases, I had not planned on going to those businesses. But, because they sent me an email to my phone, they managed to get me to their location and to spend money.

Email marketing is effective when done in the right manner.

Learn how to effectively market with email with:

Marsha Hudson-Social Media Diva

Be sure and get more information on   my free ( if you are a business owner)  presentation

The Power of the Inbox: Email Marketing and Social Media-A Winning Combination

When: Thursday, October 13 at
Where: LaMadeline- Town and Country

Time: 6-8:30p.m.

Email me to have me reserve you a seat ( only 15 seats)

