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In a Rut with Your Business? Time to restart your engine.

We are already halfway through 2019. Have you gotten in a rut? Have your entrepreneurial juices stopped flowing?  Half of the year is gone, and it is time for us to kick-start our business. It is a great time to revise, revamp or even start living that dream of starting your own business. Some have taken the leap into starting their business full-time, and others are testing the water by starting their business on the side or part time. Whatever phase you are in–know that is a good time to stop dreaming and start living.

8 Ways to Kickstart Your Business for 2018

1. Declutter– get rid of the old from 2017, and start fresh and new. If you need to revamp your website, update your profile or just clean your work area–now is the time to do it. When we declutter;  we allow our creative juices to flow.

2. Stay  Positive– our mindset is so important when embarking upon new adventures. Believe that you will succeed. Believe in your abilities. Believe that you can make it work. Keep a positive mindset, and speak words of life over your business. Keep positive affirmations around you at all times. Put them on the fridge, in your workspace and in your car.

3. Connect Wisely– surround yourself with the right people. Connect with people who will celebrate and motivate you. Keep a good support group in your corner.  Encourage and lift each other up. Share ideas and help each other move forward on an ongoing basis.

4. Make a List- Lists keep us on track. Make a daily list of “things to do.” Stick to that list.  Pick 3-4 top priorities for the day and try to get them done. Don’t let anything detour you. Stick to your lists and stick to your plans. Staying on track as a business owner is key to your success.

5. Balance Your Day– We only have so many hours in the day. We have to work in our business–and not just on our business. Make time for your social media. Check out industry leaders and see what the leaders in your field are doing, and see what you can model. Make time for reading and learning. As a business owner, you can’t stop growing and learning. Take time out to craft your ideas and be creative. Take out small times or parts in the day where you can balance your work, business, social media and family. Balance will keep you from burnout.

6. Network– networking is key for small business owners. Networking can be done online via social media or in person. Make a point to attend some networking events on a monthly basis. Mix and mingle with other business owners who share your same passion for building a business. You can get some many ideas, tips and strategies from networking events.

7. Have a Vision– It is important that you see yourself doing well. See yourself getting clients. See yourself growing your business. It is a good idea to create a vision board. Put all of your goals, desires and plans for your business for 2019 on your vision board. Maybe you want to increase your speaking engagements– put that on your vision board. Maybe you want to start a savings or make strides in your finances–put it on your vision board. Maybe you want 2 new clients a month–put it on your vision board. Without a vision–people perish. Make it happen.

8. Take Care of Your Health– staying healthy is a must for the business owner who wears many hats. Get outside and soak in the sun. Go for a walk or ride your bike. Nature is healing. Take your vitamins to keep your energy up. Eat clean– your body and mind will reward you for it. Relax sometimes and unwind. Go on a day trip when you have a free Saturday. Get a good night’s sleep.  Help other’s along the way.

It is the start of a new year, and it can be the start of a successful year for us as small business owners. The eight tips above are tried and true, and they will get your juices flowing to kick-start your business for 2018. Take it one month at a time. Give yourself small goals, and try to meet them.  Be consistent and don’t give up! Have a great year!

For more tips and resources for small business and social media, learn more or connect with me at my website, Facebook, blog or Pinterest.