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Inspiration, Ideas, and Implementation- How to Grow and Build Your Small Business


I have been a professional photographer for over 20 years, and I have been teaching social media classes for 2 years. Along with photography and social media-I am a college professor. I have three major areas of my career that I have to continue to “fuel.” How do we do it as business owners? We have to wear so many hats–mom, wife, business owner, sister, student, and the list can go on and on.

With so much on our plates, we can become overwhelmed, over-burdened and overloaded. How do we keep the fires burning? Well, we have to be intentional about the areas of our lives that are important to us. We have to intentionally make time to nurture our passion–our small businesses. I have found ways to get inspiration and ideas for my business, but the most important thing is implementation. Inspiration is great. Ideas are good. But, without implementation–the fire dies out!

How I Get Inspiration…

I make time on a weekly basis to create a space for my inspiration. When I say create space–I mean that I go to the bookstore ( Barnes & Nobel) or the coffee house (Starbucks) or even to my inspiration corner ( my office space at home) and I get inspired. I envision what I want to feel each day. I envision how what I want for my business. I envision how I want to feel, and I want to make others feel. I get my favorite drink ( coffee, tea or wine) and I allow my thoughts to get lost in positive thinking. Positive thoughts about the opportunities and open doors that await you can bring much inspiration. Create your daily space for inspiration. Lose yourself in the good things that are headed your way. Believe and receive it!

How I Get Ideas…

I enjoy walking. I get so many ideas from a 45 minute early morning or early evening walk. Not only is walking good for my health; I have found that walking is good for me mentally. When I take a walk, I brainstorm and plan. I think about how I can grow or expand my business so that I can better serve my clients. I play out scenarios in my mind as I am walking along the shaded trail. I think about what is working in my business, what needs to be revamped, and what needs to be eliminated. I have come up with so many ideas just from my 45 minute walks. I envision what I want my business to look like, and what I can do to make it happen. I came up with the name for my website and blog from one of my walks. I get ideas to share with other business owners, and when I go to networking functions or when I speak–I share the ideas.  Because of my walks, I have become a reservoir of ideas. Take a walk sometimes, and open your mind to new ideas for your own business, and new ideas you can share with other business owners.

How I Implement My Ideas…

I don’t allow my inspiration and ideas to get lost in my busy day. I write them down either in my idea journal or on my Evernote app that I have on my phone. I make time to write out a blueprint or a map of what I plan on doing with the ideas that I come up with. I give my projects a timeline. I put them in order of importance, and then I work toward bringing my ideas to life. First came inspiration, then the idea, and then my e-books. I have written four e-books now. It all started with inspiration and an idea to write an e-book. First came inspiration, then the idea, and next I will be completing my e-course. Get the point? It is good to have inspiration and ideas, but without implementation–then you just have a wish list. Make sure you are taking time to implement your ideas. Get in the habit of writing down your ideas, and then giving yourself deadlines to bring them to fruition.  Keep your list in front of you. Post your implementation plan on the wall near your computer, on your refrigerator, or any place where you will see it often. Make it happen!

Inspiration, Ideas and Implementation– these are 3 key staples that will keep the fuel burning in your business. As small business owners, we need to be consistent about growing and building our business. When we grow– we can be instrumental in helping our clients grow.  With each new month, take time for the Three “I’s” that will keep your business name buzzing and your business account from being empty.