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Cast Your Net Wide- A Total Marketing Plan

Everybody is online. All of the time. Can people find you on social media? Can they find you at all?

For your small business to stay afloat and continue to grow, you must be taking advantage of “The Total Package.” The total package consists of social media, email marketing, blogging and face to face networking. Consider these four strategies for cultivating and growing your passion–your business.

1. Social Media

With so many sites popping up almost every day, how can a business owner know what site is right for his/her business? First, know your goals. What do you want social media to do for you? Social media is the new marketing, and you can build awareness, build your credibility, keep up with current trends and get new customers. However, you must be present on your social sites and you must have a plan for your social media marketing. If you are just starting out, just pick 2-3 sites and focus on those. You can’t go wrong with Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. These are the top 3 sites. Spend some time learning about and reading about these sites. Make sure you upload a good profile picture and a good description of your services for your current customers and future customers to know what you offer and how you can fulfill their needs.

2. Email Marketing

Don’t discount the power of email marketing. It works. People keep their phones in their hands at all times. We see them with their phones at the bus stop, in the break room, in the elevator, at the doctor’s office and even while sitting in the car at the traffic light. Your emails, newsletters and announcements will go to the cell phones of your contacts whenever you create an email. Statistics show that just sending a newsletter or company announcement once a month will boost your business. Showcase your business products or promotions with email marketing. Make sure your contacts have the ability to share your emails with friends by including your social media buttons on your newsletter. Offer something that your audience really wants. If you build it–they will come.

3. Blogging

Blogging is a must. Blogging is a term that some business owners do not understand. Blogging is simply a weblog created by you to position yourself as a leader in your industry. Blogging has so many benefits for the small business owner. Just posting a blog with tips, advice and helpful information can bring in new followers and customers. When you blog, you increase your SEO rankings and you move up further on Google listings. WordPress offers a free platform for business owners to start a blog. If you are still unclear about blogging, look for industry blogs online, read them and then get busy creating your very own business blog.

4. Networking

While online marketing is a must for today’s business owners, face to face networking is also great for small business owners. There is nothing like meeting people and talking to people in a relaxed networking atmosphere. You get to actually talk to people and let them know about your services while finding out the services of others. You allow people to see the real you and to get to know your personality. Good networking on a consistent basis will open doors for many new opportunities for your business.

By using these strategies, you can make a big impact on the growth of your business. Your business may or may not have the funds for marketing or advertising, but these strategies are very affordable–they just take a little time online on a consistent basis, and little smiling and mingling in person once in a while.