How to Become a Content Creator and Attract a Crazy Amount of Prospects for Your Business

 Are you an entrepreneur? Do you have or plan on having your own business? Will it be full time or your side hustle? Are you excited and ready to follow your dreams? If you answered yes to any of these questions—then you need to become a content creator.

What is content marketing?

Content Marketing focuses on creating, publishing, and distributing. In other words, to see your business grow, you need to be creating, publishing and distributing good content on a consistent basis.

Why should you become a content creator?

  • To attract attention about your business and generate leads
  • To expand your customer base
  • To generate or increase online sales
  • To position yourself as an industry leader
  • To transform prospects into customers

What is the Idea behind all of this content creation?

As a brand, you must give something valuable to get something valuable in return.  Consistent posting of valuable information that is added to your sites and updated on a regular basis influence’s the behavior of the buyer—thus causing the buyer to purchase from you.

What is valuable information? Where do I get it from?

It is not hard to find valuable information to post on your sites. Nor, is it hard for you to create information. Just think of what you would like to know as a business owner, and what would help you grow. Then, give this same kind of information to your audience. It is just that easy.

Sometimes, the information you post may be informative, educational, motivational and even funny at times. Be creative. Mix it up.

Some examples of information that you share as a content creator on your sites:


Infographics ( you can make them yourself or find them online)

Gifs ( go to


Photos and Imagese ( get them copyright free from Unsplash)

How to Guides

Emails- Goldmine



Q & A ( you can create these yourself and post once a week)

Where can I find articles and more valuable information to share?




Company Blogs



And more… Let your fingers do the walking on Google.

How Can I  Get Started?

Here are a 8 steps To become a content creator, you should:

  1. Sit down and make  a plan for your content
  2. Decide where you will get it from ( see the list above)
  3. Look into adding simple videos with your phone
  4. Decide on the social sites and other methods you will use
  5. Make a weekly schedule for your posts
  6. Be creative. Be serious. Be funny. Mix your content up.
  7. You can auto-schedule. Check out Hootsuite, Buffer and Mavsocial.
  8. Be consistent and check your insights.

Don’t have the time? Hire a student, a relative or someone you can train for your business brand.

Remember, the content you create or share for your brand online does not involve direct sales—you need to build trust and rapport with your audience—create and give away value and you will create awareness about your business brand. There you have it. You can say “Yes to Success” as you develop into a content creator.