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7 Ways to Manage Your Time as a Solopreneur



As a small business owner who wears many hats, in order for me to be productive, I had to learn how to manage my time. I am a professional photographer, social media coach, college professor and wife. Wow, that’s a lot- right?  In order for me to be excellent at my many duties, I must manage my time on a daily basis.

See the 7 ways I have learned to manage my time as a solopreneur so that I am productive in  the important areas of my life.

  1. Make a “things to do list” each night. I make a list each night before I go to bed. It eases my mind so I can sleep, and it gives me a road map for the next day. It’s okay if you don’t get to all of your things to do, but at least you will have your guide for the day.
  2. Divide your day into small time segments. Try dividing your day into segments. Maybe you can get up early, and pick a morning segment like 6a.m.- 8a.m. to meditate or exercise.  You can make an afternoon time like  2-4p.m. and plan to work on your social media sites. If you work 8 hours, then you may have to divide 7-9p.m. to work on blogging or your website. You will be amazed at how much you accomplish when you follow this small plan of division.

3. Schedule Some Free Weekends

We run around doing so much on the weekends that we neglect to realize that the weekend  can be great for the small business owner who wears many hats. However, we have to schedule the free time on the weekends, and don’t let anyone or anything alter our plans.

Decide that one weekend out of the month, you are going to devote a Saturday or Sunday or parts of both days to your business goals. You can pick 3 hours one day, and 3 hours another day. Distractions and people will cause you to detour from your plans, but be true to your plans. The key is to have a schedule and stick to it no matter what! Treat it as sacred.

4. Create The Perfect Atmosphere for Time to Work on Your Business

Have you heard the phrase if you build it, they will come? Well, if you carve out a place for your plans, your routine will become one that you automatically show up for on a daily basis. You can make an office in your home, or turn any spot or room in your home into your workplace. Maybe a bookstore or Starbucks works better for you. Pick your place and let it be your business haven where you devote time to your goals, plans, and desires.

5. Focus on 1-2 goals at a time

I know that as business owners, we have so many plans and ideas. There are so many projects we want to implement. But, there is only so much time in the day. We have to pick 1-2 of our goals, and work those 1-2 goals before we move on to others. It’s not a good idea to try to implement all of the projects and programs all at once. Pace yourself so that you won’t be overwhelmed.  Prioritizing will also keep your stress levels down.

6. Set Deadlines

Deadlines have been great for many of my goals. Give yourself reasonable deadlines to get things done. If you want to write a book, give your self a few months. If you want to add a website or revamp your online look, give yourself a few weeks. If you want to start a program or get educated on a new facet for your business, give yourself 6 months. As you work toward your short and long term goals, you will see yourself accomplishing more and more. Instead of years going by without you meeting at least one of your goals, you will see the fruit of your labor in no time at all.


7. Make your plans Visual

Keep your goals and plans on a  sheet near you at all times. Glance over it every week. Stay on track by keeping your eyes on the prize. Type up your most important goals, and put them on the refrigerator or on the wall near your computer. Refer to your plans often, and your life will gravitate toward completing your “things to do.”

I have managed to make sense of my days without losing time. I don’t wake up and wander where did 3 months go? I make my plans, make time for my plans, stick to the schedule, and keep a visual of my goals close by. Isn’t it time for you to take control of your 24 hours?

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