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3 Simple Things to Do on Social Media Everyday


Social Media is the new way of marketing for the small business owner. To many, adding social media to their already busy schedules may seem daunting. But, to ignore social media will be detrimental to your business. As a social media coach, I work with people on a weekly basis helping them to understand social media and helping them develop a strategy on how to put social media into their busy schedules. If you are new to social media or not, I will share with you 3 simple things you can do a daily basis to build your online presence.

1. Create or share good quality content on your sites. People love information that will make their lives easier, happier or better.

2. Connect with your audience or followers on an ongoing basis. If someone becomes a follower, thank them. Also, share, like and retweet information posted by your followers.

3. Be consistent. Be consistent with your social media sites. If you created the sites, continue to give attention to each one of them on an ongoing basis.

Just doing these 3 simple things on a daily basis will boost your business,and you will still have time to enjoy your life. Make a plan and stick to it. You only need 3-4 hours a week.
