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Win Over Time. Write It Down.


Do you sometimes feel like you have wasted time..days… focus? Where does the time go? What happened to 2 whole days? How will you ever have time to grow your business? Let’s not even think about the time we need for social media.

It has been said that wasting time is worse than wasting money. Let’s look at some tried and true ways to win over wasted time by writing a “to do list” on a consistent basis. Statistics show that writing down a “to-do” list helps you to stay focused on your goals, and actually get your “To Do” list done.

5 Ways to Stop Wasting Time and Get on Track with Your Business

*Make a “to-do” list the night before.

By making a list of what you need to do the next day, you clear your mind for a good night’s rest, and you make a plan to actually follow. You can even divide your list into categories: morning, afternoon and night. Put everything on the list from going to work, to picking up dinner to going running. A list will keep you on track, and help you to see where you are wasting valuable time.

*Make a list of your daily and monthly goals.

When you set some goals, you have something to reach for. When you put those goals in front of you ( by the computer or on the fridge) you remind yourself of where you are going, and what you have to do to get there. You and categorize your goals: personal, academic, health and financial. Type your goals list and review it often.

*Make everyday count–make your day a masterpiece.

Get up each morning expecting good things to come your way. Expect that it will be a good day. Have a positive mindset. Make sure your day is filled with a smile and a helping hand. Make your days a masterpiece. Create your masterpiece each day. Decide that you are in control of your day, and that your day is not in control of you.

*Make education a priority.

Reading books and articles on subjects that pertain to small business, finance and success are key to using your time wisely. Decide that you will read a positive or motivational article on a daily basis. Decide to read something that will educate you in some way. Keep your mind filled with the right perspective when it comes to your business. Attend workshops and conferences. Education is the key. Don’t stop learning.

*Make investing in your business a consistent habit.

You can work hard and then decide to quit. You may decide that it is taking too long to reach your dreams, and you grow faint. You may get frustrated with the way your business is growing or not growing. We all have feelings. But, a wise man once told me that feelings are the last part of the train. Don’t let your feelings cause you to stop and give up. Consistency is the key. Stay consistent in emailing, marketing, social media and branding. The day you stop being consistent in your marketing is the first day of a slippery slope. Stop wasting time and get going. Keep up the good work and no matter what–don’t ever stop! Visit me at today.



