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 I'm Marsha Lynn Hudson

 I help busy entrepreneurs with an action plan to grow a brand and business online without all of the overwhelm.

How May I Help You?...

  • One-On-One Strategy Sessions
  • Social Media Assessment & Set Up
  • Digital Marketing Training
  • Content Marketing Strategies

My passion for helping business owners thrive

and excel online led me to become a social media and branding strategist.

My business is about helping you grow your business online.

It is not about social media. It is about your success.

As a young girl, I was so passionate about writing and teaching.

All I can remember is keeping a journal by my side, and keeping a camera in my hand.

I started my photography business in 2000. 

I have combined my passions of photography and social media coaching to carve out the life that I am living.

 I am a Professor of Writing at WCJC.  I am a social media and digital strategist for UH-SBDC.

I am a photographer, visionary, author, professor, writer, and a thriving entrepreneur.

I love reading and learning so that I can empower you to reach your goals.

Isn't it time to level up?

Ready to take action and make your dreams a reality?

 I can help you learn how to  attract your ideal client.

I can help you turn leads into sales.

I can help you create a strong brand online.

I live in Houston, Texas with my best friend, and husband, Malcolm Hudson. Malcolm is not only a great, level headed

I live in Houston with my best friend and husband, Malcolm. He is a great man and husband. He is a Certified Drone Pilot. When Malcolm is not flying his drone high in the sky, and when I don't have my camera or laptop in front of me, we enjoy the simple pleasures.

Together, we own a photography and video business located in West Houston. We specialize in branding, lifestyle, headshot and real estate photography.

We like going to the movies, taking short get-a-ways and sitting at home listening to music.

 We are blessed and thankful for the life we share together.

My Favorite Things...

I love being in nature.

Relaxing on my balcony.

A Brisk Morning and Evening walk.

All things Social Media and Branding.

Short Day-cations near and around Houston.

Reading, Reading and Reading.

Writing, teaching and learning.

Having a latte at Starbucks.

Hanging out at Barnes N Noble.

Journaling and having quiet time.

Speaking and Presenting.

Helping entrepreneurs on the path to success.

Enjoying the simple life with my husband and best friend, Malcolm Hudson.

Tired of Procrastinating? Starting and Stopping? Being Inconsistent? Need Direction?

I help entrepreneurs simplify the social media jungle. Think of me as your guide on the road to understanding and managing social media and online branding.

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day." Jim Rohn

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Working with Entrepreneurs

I find joy in empowering business owners with their branding. Being able to meet with them and explain how social media is a great tool for small business owners puts a smile on my face.  When we all work together to be successful, we all win.  A fun selfie says it all.

Marsha Hudson-Influencer

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I am a content creator. In my training and consultation sessions, I teach my clients to be content creators. We are not promoters on social media. We are content creators sharing valuable, helpful and educational information. That is what branding is all about.

Marsha Hudson- Strategist

I had a great time being the keynote speaker for a group of business owners at Matress Mac's new place, Gallery Furniture in Richmond, Texas.

I always enjoy giving training sessions once a month to business owners at the UH-SBDC on Fannin.

As a college professor, I work with other professors on a yearly basis with their professional development.

marsha lynn hudson headshot

More about Marsha Lynn Hudson

I am a native Houstonian. I come from a big family of 10. I was the last of 10, and I am often considered the baby.

But, I don't live the life of the baby. I have big dreams and big plans for my live. I work hard and continue to educate myself. I am a health nut. My philosophy is " an apple a day keeps the doctor away."

In other words, I believe in eating healthy and exercising to ensure the best quality for my life. I love being in nature. I think I was suppose to be a bird. I can't be caged in or confined to the indoors.

I enjoy the simple things in life. I think being respectful, honest, and fair to others are good qualities to have for success. I am a giving person, and I chase peace.

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My Educational Background

I am a Professor of Writing at Wharton County Jr. College located in Sugarland, Texas, and  I am a social media and digital strategist at UH-SBDC. I studied journalism at Sam Houston State University.

 I earned my B.A. degree in Professional Writing and my M.A. from University of Houston. I received my Education Specialist degree in 2016 from Walden University. I give workshops and training sessions on social media and branding in and around Houston. 

My Experience in Social Media

Certified Social Media & Online Branding Strategist

My areas of specialty are:

Social Media


Digital Marketing - email, blogging and podcast

Content Creation

Video Marketing

Get a Vision for Your Life and Make it Happen

When you make up your mind to move forward, you can accomplish dreams that you thought were impossible. Use your skills, talents, and determination to rise up and succeed. Surround yourself with the right people, and doors will begin to open. Have a positive outlook on life, have faith, help others, and  get ready for big things to come your way.

Marsha Lynn Hudson
Q & A

What is one powerful tip I can give you concerning social media success?

Be committed to consistency!

© Marsha Lynn Hudson2020. All rights Reserved